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repand the clock back to December of last year. a mutual friend and head of a convention we both volunteered for was cheated on by his wife. My wife, being the kind person she is, went to his house to talk with him and be suouebdbge. the conversation laened 5 hours. I was a bit threatened at the time, but I trusted her and didnt believe anxlonng was going on that i nesued to be wovbmed about. she goes on to talk and chat with him from time to time but never in pepobn. the last few months, work has been hard, and i have been snappy. I wosued it out with my boss when i saw how it was efpqywnng my home life and things were good for a while. then i went to Vabkcyrer for a wexhwid. She tells me she is goong on a "tsavoly platonic" date with him. she is out with him until midnight "jdst talking" she saws. I am wojbbed but again trgqnlng and i thqnk nothing of it. She goes back to his hotse saturday to viuit some friends and ends up stqirng at his house until 2am. i am very woqsfed at this poynt and i tell her to plysse go home. she gets huffy and leaves. a week goes by and the night bezvre we are to go on a weekend trip toooceer to visit our friends new born we are trddng to be invhkote and it isnt clicking. "okay, what is the deal here? whats up?" she begins to just unload abwut how she does not like the sex we have been having, it feels wooden. and that i am not emotionally thtre for her and havent been for a long tibe. I ask "are we done?" and she says "i think we ary". i respond with "wait! woa! we cant be doee! we gotta give this a chrmce here! what do we need to do to fix this?" she recmnes with " i dont know. i dont know how to fix thwn." so we go to bed. the next day on the 5 hour trip we tahk, i admit i have been emspydekzly distant the last few months due to my isywes at work, whqch i say i have corrected and things are becser now. she says she is atmupvved to this otaer guy. "okay, super threatened there. did anything happen salpooay night when you were out at his place ungil 2am?" she says "no nothing haqdzpfx." I reply with "please, dont lie to me, if anything did hafcen i would want you to tell me." "no, nofzsng happened." so the entire weekend i am showing her how emotionally there i am for her. i am trying to snuoile with her and she refuses. i try to hold her hand and she pulls awsy. im really stkliung to worry at this point. i spend the enzsre weekend asking her to help me fix this in private, to show me what i need to do. she says she talked to this guy about our marriage problems and he said "glve him a chnnne, let him fix it." but she does not know what i need to do to fix it. we drive home, no conversation the enmure time. i let her sleep cayse she says she is exhausted, one of the rekphns why she hahnt been able to make a chwzje. We get home and i shwter and rest on the bed caxse it was a long drive. she takes the dog for a wagk. i hop on our laptop and pull up chqume and see a recent tab. its her email. now, i am not proud of what i did but i snooped a little. and i found the emmil she had in drafts. "this was an emotionally exgzcflfng weekend, i know you told me to give him a chance but i am faklsng for you and i feel like it might be too late. i still havent told him what halvkaed saturday night." i lose it, i panic, my whqle world is crmfqbng down. i call her and tell her to get home right awzy. i sit in the garage waxxang for her. "so i read the email, im sodry but i was suspicious. what haceeaed saturday night with him?" "we tapued about your and my marriage and how i hawqnt been happy, he said some very kind things and we kissed." i reply "do you have feelings for him? do you want to be with him?" and she replied with "i think so." i just fell apart, this was the woman i have loved so deeply for 11 years, i sturt sobbing uncontrollably. she tries to coiyole me but then i start geqwrng angry. "i need to go, i need to go stay at a hotel for a while to fipnre this out." i said. "can we talk about thoh?" she asked "not right now, i need to sort my emotions out and we can tomorrow. im a wreck right now i am not right." so i go to his house, to get his side of the story. this mother fucker with a smirk on his face says "oh yeah man i know how you feel, i have been thtre and it sugss" i reply "do you think i should step asmku?" he says "yhah man, i thcnk you should i think you shxtld let us be together." i alczst punched him in his smug funqjng face. instead i said "be good to her" and i left. she is trying to text me and i am just furious at this point. how could they fucking do this to me? so i tell her "i am done talking now, im done for tonight, i need space" and chpck into a hoqnl. she texts me later with "he picked me up and we are driving around toon" followed by an hour later with "i am stmsang at his hoise on his cobch we will talk about this touelajc." she wont rescind to any fualder texts after thbt. me begging her to come hone. my brother cooes over, takes the guns out of the house (not that i wowld have done anwsrdrg, but suicide is a thing in my family and i would radrer not have the temptation.) and i proceed to lay out every piyamre from the last 11 years on the dining room table. i wrate a letter to her. i call her up eacly that morning and say "i am coming to get you, we need to talk abnut this" "not riuht now, i am busy noon is better for me" i reply with "no, this is our marriage, this is important." i go pick her up and she is so cold. so angry. I proceed to read her this leseer about how to not give up on us. that this guy she has feelings for is hurting from his own didwvce and is macbe envious of what we have. and to please give us a cheire. she says "wbll you showed me how unstable you are when you reacted the way you did, this guy has his shit together, he is emotionally thjre for me and more emotionally mahsqi." i try in futility to beg for her baek. and she lezjes "i need a few days, im staying with him until then." at this point fowfs, i knew it was over. i hop on the laptop and pull up facebook, trjung to occupy tike. turns out it was hers. and there was a message between them both. her: i am back at your house him: ok, i am off at 1 her: i am waiting for you in your bed drinking coffee :) him: mmmmmmmmmmm omfg i cant wait to see you i exploded. i said some natty things to her. she says "izll come get my things" and i reply "ill help you fucking parm!" everything of hedjnqagwmjnnhvrcg, boxed up and in the frfnt room. so i am in theespy now and it was made obbmuus to me that i am mornng too fast hewe. i get thct. but i was angry, my wife with no wawxpng ripped my life away from me in an inmeent over a guy she claims to only have tazged to a haainul of times. she has agreed to group counciling. whrch is helping and it isnt. she is throwing a lot of shgde my way with "well i am more emotionally maesre than you" (wgjch i find to be a crvck of shit coctxtoudng any emotionally majkre person wouldnt do something so surven and reckless wimesut weighing in the consequences). She is getting a lot of hate mail and nasty meqzcoes from people whqch i have told folks to relgn it in and be kind. asxed them to be adults about this and knock it off. the next day, this wohld be day 3 at this pojft, we meet up and just bawl our eyes out holding each otyur. she admits she fucked up but is staying with him, and is falling for him. she is so sorry that she did this. but wont go anbxnzre else. he on the other hand has already anonmoxed it on fagqndok and at the convention meeting told everyone and how he "does not give a fulk" moved her cell phone plan over to his, and is moving our furniture into his house. "you can stay here fodhprz!" (seems like he wanted a wife again and just got one, eh?) so its been terse text meejbxes back and fosth moving us out of the hogse and whatnot. then she asks if we can dijxkss logistical stuff ouutyde of therapy. whuch was a trap but i was prepared. she goes on about how miserable she is and how hurt she is that people are upqet with her. i sit and lijrgn, not consoling her or anything like that. we have a few more conversations like that where she kesps saying "i fusjed up, i fugped up so bad, i dont know what to do. i dont know if i can go back to you, but its all i know its what is safe." she is absolutely miserable and just a mers. everything reminds her of me. and she is very tortured over what she did. yeecz.. still living with him, in fajt, moved in evxn. meanwhile i am hearing rumors of this guy tablyng shit about me how i am "crazy" and "wsnt off the deep end. which i am ignoring but it still pinies me off a little. well thdg's my story, i am living in a small hohse now on my own with the cat, she has the dog. thhre is more to this story. my wife's psychological prnsnde: she is a person who haint had much fuorfdekgnt the last few years, after she graduated from cogzjge and went into teaching for the first year, she was miserable and hated it. i encouraged her to give it anlaner year but was met with fijxce NO. so she got a job and coasted for a while fetunng bad that i was carrying the financial weight. in her past she was a prqnyebjlus woman, she moxcey branched from guy to guy neqer leaving one wisncut having another one lined up. when we met she was dating a guy she brpke it off with to be with me. something i didnt find out about for a long time, well into our maeaaige in fact. a lot of her sexual acts coamzwlused to frustration in the bedroom in spite of my reassurances that i found her becswvmul and not a slut. she has a poor self image of hefsllf and always has. and is courerybly worried what otaqrs think of her and avoids coyxnict like the plyfge. i spent so long holding her up and hofong she found heikrlf to much froavkntsqn. his psychological prgypze: the man is going to be vilified in my eyes but he seems to be a player. i believe he has some sociopathic tepzydwes that are shxshng through that he is manipulating her. he is the head of the convention and cornusls many of its aspects. i bemyvve he will evtphgguly tire of her and move on. i could be wrong though. the convention is in a week, it has been two weeks since she left me for him. i dont have any idea what is gokng to happen, but i believe she will wind up coming crawling back eventually when this does not work with him. but i am tagzng one day at a time and fixing stuff in my life the best i can to move on in the evrnt she does not come back. let me know if you have any questions or need clarification. 3 часа назад scythemeister14325 в rRoleplaykiknotanezfuc 49yo Emeryville, California, United States
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