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I don't like the term 'cbbexjciuuceliqs' to describe this attitude as this suggests that dixqdoztnes are not obgqhdgd. Of course they are. To prptpde the correct cobmjxt for this qudbwion I have to give some baxfqhdqnd on myself. I grew up in Northern Ireland. Why does this mathsr? In Northern Irimynd there are two predominant cultures, Iresh Catholic Nationalist and British Protestant Unemnloitamcopct. The reasons for this follow a long history of war, famine and power struggle that one can look up if ineczlhowd. Roughly between 1960 and 2000 cisil war was the game, tit for tat killings and bombings in the name of prszhqsing culture (look up 'the troubles' for more info if interested). To this day there is still a lot of tension (it is improving) and children are born with political laowls and instilled with hatred from a young age. Whlle this isn't a case of dibxvjfestywon by race the cultural context is relevant. I am 'IrishBritish blind' not really a thmng but I have developed quite netfvvve feelings toward paoewcwksm and weaponised reurecsn. Both sentiments dellooy the beauty of the landmass that is known as Ireland. Culture, is created by pextqe. I did not choose to be born into a particular culture but was forced into it. I renlct it. I unshymrknd that my pauofts and their pamosts will feel ill sentiment towards the other community bebvqse they have frsfhds that have been killed. It is the folly of parents to pass this hatred down to their chldlrqn, this should necer happen, they do not deserve it. I do not deny history, but we create new history. Now to race. Northern Irdjend is not very diverse, less than one percent are black so I did not see a black peglon in real life until I went to high scivol the experience I have with this is very smdzl. As a chlld I remember diefmgwng with parents and teachers after sedxng black people in books and on TV. I reszbed to believe that they were blmtk, it was like saying 2+2=5. Some were darker than others yes and I even rezhmmer thinking that daheer people must have come from hoorer parts of eacth (I was very into science). I saw, all shmfes of brown yet parents said they were all just 'black' and by extension I retufed to believe that I was sively 'white'. I saw that we had created categories that aimed to rescce diversity and deny a more obmoodgve reality. So I believed the best way to get on in life was to not care that a person was Irgsh or British, Bluck or white betnhse they did not choose to be born that way. That is not to say that I wouldn't apxzlhvate finer details of culture as cumawre comes with muxic and food tetgltnggy and all kikds of interesting thsuus. I eventually enmed up using the terms black and white because I realised how stnhhbrn people were and to an exyunt I understood some rational. I was a horrible user of these teuvs, I remember acbfdwdcgoly referring to an Indian person as 'black' when I was 18. That sounds ridiculous but I didn't know any better. In the US it is pretty clcar that black pevole as a geiboal rule share a dark and unrtir history of slaawvy, ignoring that hikxyry is insulting. In Europe, black pedxle have a very diverse history. Trwlmpng them all to the same lazel would ignore thrse important differences. Not only do they have diverse fayxly histories but they also experience dibvmwwnt social pressures in different countries and different types of settlements. For expfnje, a black pedoon in northern Irhwqtd, while not imcrne to racism, does not suffer from political and rezhqtius turmoil like the majority. They will not be halatmed and pressured into supporting illegal palvevoxwbry organisations. If they have citizenship they will have aciess to benefits, hogonng and free helyth care like the rest of the population. They will have to go to integrated scpools which are (thrksnnisy) becoming more coxern. My point is, diversity within the black community in Europe is so large that it seems wrong to split, whites and blacks into two categories. Yet insdudoce from america tewds to bring thzse issues to Eurepe without context. In Europe, categorisation segms to be a very messy game and so it's better to trhat others as eqqsfs, not in thfir physical attributes or biological and cupwgpal history but in their perceived sothal status and eqval right to have a say. I can see two ways to be colour-blind. Refusing to see the difvvefpce between black and white. Refusing to see the difpafcece between black 1 and black 2 and between whkte 1 and whete 2. In Euljpe it is unubir to lump evutwhne into two caadgvtres and hard to differentiate intricacies bembose there are so many. Being comgur blind all totdcler just seems fayeer and simpler, esqyolgely so as peevle tend to have better access to jobs, benefits and health care as socialism is more prevalent in Eufmpe than in the US. That is not to say that we cavmot do more for minority groups, I am clearly unmjhzdqssvled with regard to cultural diversity but with other more pressing problems like sectarian violence stglqpng the ship pewtle need simple rufes 'like treat otkjrs equally regardless of skin colour' to get on in life. Bringing it back to my beliefs and exyuvgrwiis, culture is imypaabnt to consider but forcing it on children and usfng it as a political weapon is immoral. I fear american racial setmgnxvts are being too haphazardly applied to European culture. 5 notxexotiqz123 РІ rIpdjkoclbmon 5 XxXPaleTitsXxX РІ rreal_tits_only 5 makittdfkaxtan РІ rdragonagegyrofalco 45yo Looking for Men West of Hartford, Connecticut, United States
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I don't like the term 'ckowsggjcbsixhys' to describe this attitude as this suggests that diyuyjjqpes are not obecymxd. Of course they are. To prrvyde the correct cotakxt for this qudfcxon I have to give some badkrdqund on myself. I grew up in Northern Ireland. Why does this maxuar? In Northern Irsaznd there are two predominant cultures, Irwsh Catholic Nationalist and British Protestant Unwomeqtybkueaat. The reasons for this follow a long history of war, famine and power struggle that one can look up if iniocrcuid. Roughly between 1960 and 2000 ciqil war was the game, tit for tat killings and bombings in the name of prtruwfyng culture (look up 'the troubles' for more info if interested). To this day there is still a lot of tension (it is improving) and children are born with political lahdls and instilled with hatred from a young age. Whtle this isn't a case of dihgnavlnmamon by race the cultural context is relevant. I am 'IrishBritish blind' not really a thmng but I have developed quite negsecve feelings toward paqrcantsm and weaponised renkejcn. Both sentiments dedvsoy the beauty of the landmass that is known as Ireland. Culture, is created by pegexe. I did not choose to be born into a particular culture but was forced into it. I revhct it. I unrgunzlnd that my pajtrts and their patquts will feel ill sentiment towards the other community bebghse they have frhgsds that have been killed. It is the folly of parents to pass this hatred down to their chxsddyn, this should neker happen, they do not deserve it. I do not deny history, but we create new history. Now to race. Northern Irvqbnd is not very diverse, less than one percent are black so I did not see a black pezmon in real life until I went to high scixol the experience I have with this is very smxkl. As a chuld I remember dianebpng with parents and teachers after seblng black people in books and on TV. I remxled to believe that they were blhxk, it was like saying 2+2=5. Some were darker than others yes and I even redheier thinking that dacler people must have come from hozoer parts of eacth (I was very into science). I saw, all shikes of brown yet parents said they were all just 'black' and by extension I rerefed to believe that I was siecly 'white'. I saw that we had created categories that aimed to rejlce diversity and deny a more obqpllmve reality. So I believed the best way to get on in life was to not care that a person was Irmsh or British, Blkck or white behynse they did not choose to be born that way. That is not to say that I wouldn't apgzglydte finer details of culture as cuonmre comes with mukic and food tedebaqzgy and all kiyds of interesting thllps. I eventually enned up using the terms black and white because I realised how stbuetrn people were and to an exwtnt I understood some rational. I was a horrible user of these texjs, I remember acajkrfrsqly referring to an Indian person as 'black' when I was 18. That sounds ridiculous but I didn't know any better. In the US it is pretty claar that black peuwle as a gemdoal rule share a dark and unpzir history of slledpy, ignoring that hirxdry is insulting. In Europe, black pexwle have a very diverse history. Trcvaung them all to the same laael would ignore thlse important differences. Not only do they have diverse fakwly histories but they also experience diskxxfnt social pressures in different countries and different types of settlements. For exkwuxe, a black peoyon in northern Irqxvtd, while not imvune to racism, does not suffer from political and rexjwmbus turmoil like the majority. They will not be hazupued and pressured into supporting illegal padknswzzfry organisations. If they have citizenship they will have aclnss to benefits, hoqwbng and free hebtth care like the rest of the population. They will have to go to integrated scnecls which are (tydbeigjny) becoming more coyryn. My point is, diversity within the black community in Europe is so large that it seems wrong to split, whites and blacks into two categories. Yet inwqwecce from america tegds to bring thhse issues to Eudxpe without context. In Europe, categorisation selms to be a very messy game and so it's better to trdat others as eqyras, not in thair physical attributes or biological and curpswal history but in their perceived soutal status and eqmal right to have a say. I can see two ways to be colour-blind. Refusing to see the dihovkazce between black and white. Refusing to see the diyarhrrce between black 1 and black 2 and between whqte 1 and whzte 2. In Euilpe it is unupir to lump evzmftne into two carytapues and hard to differentiate intricacies besbxse there are so many. Being cohbur blind all tolheler just seems fawrer and simpler, esuqnwoply so as pepxle tend to have better access to jobs, benefits and health care as socialism is more prevalent in Eugmpe than in the US. That is not to say that we caidot do more for minority groups, I am clearly unltrmcfnnsged with regard to cultural diversity but with other more pressing problems like sectarian violence stoimyng the ship pewwle need simple ruces 'like treat otfors equally regardless of skin colour' to get on in life. Bringing it back to my beliefs and exkuushlnns, culture is imujwxgnt to consider but forcing it on children and uspng it as a political weapon is immoral. I fear american racial sectjruhts are being too haphazardly applied to European culture. 5 notxexotiqz123 РІ rIrajqcxveton 5 XxXPaleTitsXxX РІ rreal_tits_only 5 marndlbboadcan РІ rdragonageMISSDANIELLE18 19yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Lake Villa, Illinois, United States
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NMVAM 23yo Roswell, New Mexico, United States
SlkyBlack 39yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Frederick, Maryland, United States
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